Spectrum Bizsctech Journal (SBJ) is a multidisciplinary journal and thrives to get indexing in leading databases. The success of any scholarly publication is dependent upon its visibility in the academic community, and the number of researchers and scholars who cite and share the work with their colleagues. To assist authors and editors in disseminating their content to as many readers as possible, a number of citation indexing and abstracting services provide lists and repositories of quality work to increase the visibility of that work to the greater academic community.
Many of the most prominent indices are very selective in the content they choose to accept, so it is imperative that authors carefully prepare their published work according to our guidelines in order to increase their chances for getting indexed. A publication rejected by a major index for not meeting these requirements may be placed on probation, or worse, no future chances for inclusion. JRR aims to have all of our publications included at prestigious indices. A sincere thanks to our authors and proof readers who assist in making this happen.
Our web-bot has setup crawlers with plugins to point your published article in following databases, apart from disseminating to 180,000+ research databases
1. Google Scholar
Why can’t I see or search my publication on a particular index's website?
SBJ does not have control over any index's website. All published articles should be automatically crawled for indexing as per OJS/PKP platform's pluggins. There are chances that your article-indexing may take time depending upon indexing-body's portal-updation. If you have received a notification that your article has been indexed, but do not see it on the index’s web site, the index has most likely not yet uploaded its newly indexed publications. Please be patient. If after a few weeks you still do not see your publication on the site, please contact us at and notify them of the error; we will contact that index to resolve the issue. Please note that the indexing process can take over a year to complete
If my publication is rejected by an index, what does that mean?
This means that your publication did not meet the established criteria of that specific index. If your publication is rejected, it may be put on a temporary suspension period to allow time for adjustments. During this time, we recommend that contributors continue to adhere to the Journal Indexing Requirements to encourage citation and timeliness. We will resubmit the article when it has met indexing criteria and the index-mandated suspension period has passed.
I received an email notification from the JRR team entitled “Your manuscript Has Been Submitted for Indexing.” Does this mean my journal has been indexed?
No. This is a notification to let you know that the publication you are associated with has been submitted for indexing consideration. The publication has met the preliminary requirements for indexing. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOUR ARTICLE HAS BEEN INDEXED; this means it is currently under review. Please note that the indexing process can take over a year to complete